Historischer Wanderweg Sand

von Manfred Dasbach und Udo Harler

Kapitel 5
Der Rittersitz Dombach

Seiten 20 - 23

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mit englischen Texten

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flagge eng 5: Dombach : the home of knights
“Häuser Dombach”, the road that we have just taken, refers to a clan called “Häuser” or “Heuser” that in the olden days owned land here. They presumably got their name from the “Hauser estate” near Dürscheid. The name of “Halfen Domach” is a reminder of the former knights seat Dombach. Such a knight’s estate entitled the owner to a seat and a vote in the regional assembly. The leaseholders of the farms belonging to the estate were called ‘Halfen’. They had to pay duty to the feudal landowner.

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flagge eng In his article about Dombach-Castle Anton Jux writes: “At the beginning of the 13th century a certain Cäsarius von Heisterbach was the first to refer to a castle and a Knight of “Thumbach”. The noble owner of the castle left a badly educated daughter who led an insubordinate and foolish life. She became the horror of the whole region. For a time she was placed in a convent but from there she fled and returned to the castle where she carried on her debauched life. After her death the dogs of the area came together and took dreadful revenge on her corpse, until the farmers chased them away with cudgels.

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flagge eng From about 1500 the “Dombach” became the property of the von Kessel family. After that there has been a series of owners.

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