Historischer Wanderweg Sand

von Manfred Dasbach und Udo Harler

Kapitel 6
Die Rochuskapelle

Seiten 24 - 25

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flagge eng 6: The little chapel of Saint Rochus
In 1320 Saint Rochus was on his way back from Rome. There he healed people stricken with the bubonic plague by simply putting his hands on them. He then fell victim to the disease himself. He lay down in a little hut in front of the town gates of Piacenza so as to present himself before his Creator. Suddenly an angel appeared to instil new courage into him. From then on a dog provided him with fresh food every day until he completely overcame the disease and was able to continue his pilgrimage back home. From those days onwards, Saint Rochus is looked upon as the patron of all those suffering from the plague and other endemic diseases. It may well be that Philipp von Leers – we already know him as the owner of Lerbach Manor – had in mind this pious legend when – in 1684 – he had the Rochus Chapel built and commended to the patronage of the Saint.

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flagge eng It is a fact that in several decades earlier the Black Death had also caused havoc in Sand and carried away several members of the von Leers family. In 1690 Philipp donated the small chapel to the parish of Sand stipulating that every year on Saint Rochus day – i.e. on August 16th – a mass is to be celebrated in the chapel. Right up to the present day the inhabitants of Sand have complied with this request. On the Saturday that follows August 16th, a festive High Mass is celebrated next to the chapel. After that there is a joyful parish feast celebration around the village church.

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